KURAN (NZ) Filming |
Our achievements KURAN has consistently received positive comments about it's professional organization of filming schedules, and how smoothly and flawlessly even the most tedious of situations are handled. The comments have not only come from the visiting film crews, but also from the local gaffas and grips, location owners, councils, but also from the likes of accommodation and transportation providers and caterers too. Hence, a vast majority of our work is either repeat business or referrals from happy and satisfied clients. We have to carefully plan the shoots, so our clients requirements are met with while at the same time, we also have to make sure that we satisfactorily meet the requirements of the local organizations too. In essence, we have to carefully balance the requirements of both the parties! We have to make sure that our clients work is done in the most time and cost efficient way possible, while at the same time, we also have to make sure that the same resources are available for future schedules from the local organizations such as the councils and location owners. Our organization has formed good relationships with key players (overseas clients and local organizations alike) in the industry on these ethics. Awards In this light, KURAN has also received official recognition from the Government of New Zealand too. KURAN has received The Trade New Zealand Export Commendation Award and also has been Finalist, Small Exporter of the Year Award for 2000. The Export Commendation Award was presented to KURAN by the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, The Rt. Hon. Mr. Jim Anderton. ![]() KURAN was also given to opportunity to nominate some of its key partners in business, and awards were presented to these partners too. The City Councils of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin and The Queenstown Lakes District Council, transportation provider Great Fun Bus, lighting gaffa Local Action, travel agents from India, The Travel Masters, and local inbound tour operator Contract Pacific were all presented by Mr. Jim Anderton. From right: The Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Jim Anderton presenting The Export Commendation Award to Kamal and Uma Singh ![]() From right: Mr. Ramji (Travel Masters, India) receiving an award from Mr. Anderton, and Mrs. Soundarya Ramji. ![]() A photograph with the KURAN family. From left: Nandini, Uma, Kamal, Raajew, Mr. Anderton and Atima. ![]() Meet the KURAN family. From left: Kamal, Uma, Nandini, Atima and Raajew. ![]() ![]() Left and above: A bit of mingling before the presentation ceremony began. ![]() Right: Mr. Kamal Singh gets congratulated by Cr. Mr. Ishwar Ganda. ![]() Left: A bit of celebrating going on. Kamal and Uma pictured here with Hugh and his partner, Jan (From Great Fun Bus). ![]() Right: Some more happy faces. Pictured here are Kamal and Uma, with Vijay Thakkar (a family friend) and Mr. Brett Mills (Local Action Lighting). ![]() From right: Soundarya Ramji, Ramji, Mr. Anderton, Kamal and Uma |
© KURAN (NZ) Limited. All rights reserved. |